BlenderDMX Addon 1.0.4 Released

Pixel color control bug fix plus a bunch of other features

Originally a bug fix for pixel devices color control, this release brings other improvements like support for devices without tilt, 16bit channels or additional Color picker in the Programmer. But a whole lot of work on other features went into this release, see the change log for more details.


  • Fixing a color control bug with pixel devices like Spiider
  • Fix tilt movement when fixture is on the floor
  • More attributes are now applied (only) for correct geometries (RGB, XYZ position and rotation, dimmer)
  • Extending Volume preview settings to now have the possibility to see the fake beam cone for None, Selected fixtures or All fixtures
  • Adding RGB based color picker to the existing color picker in Programmer
  • Support for movement control of fixtures with pan only (without tilt)
  • Initial support for 16bit channels for smoother behavior: pan, tilt, dimmer
  • Group selection can now be additive (as before) or exclusive (only selected group)
  • Allow freezing of pan/tilt movement to current position (for example after Target adjustment). Indicated by LOCK icon in Fixture list
  • GDTF Share password in Preferences now masked with *****
  • Fixture ID in Fixture list is now displayed only if not empty

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