BlenderDMX 1.6.0 Released


Added support for PosiStageNet (PSN) protocol. PosiStageNet (PSN) is an open protocol to receive position information from different trackers connected to a PSN server. In BlenderDMX, multiple Trackers (PSN server connections) with multiple Tracking Targets (PSN slots) can be created and moving lights or any other objects can be linked to these as followers. When patching fixtures, the autogenerated name is now based on the device name. The BlenderDMX gobo in the Moving beam was made nicer, the Blender logo has been added as a gobo too 🙂.

  • Internal file reorganization, license headers, reformatting
  • Make internal programmer to set values for Live DMX view
  • Fixtures name autogeneration adjustments
  • Add PosiStageNet (PSN) protocol with up to 10 PSN slots
  • Add warning message for Blender 4.2. Add link to help to Extras
  • Add Blender logo as gobo image to bundled beam
  • Improve vectors of BlenderDMX logo gobo in bundled beam fixture

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