BlenderDMX Blog

BlenderDMX 1.7.0 Released

1.7.0 Add Initial MVR Export New MVR Export allows export of fixtures (only fixtures, no other 3D objects yet) with their patching info, color and focus points, into a single layer, which is sufficient to move the patch from BlenderDMX to consoles like BlinderKitten.

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BlenderDMX 1.6.1 Released

1.6.1 Support additional additive colors: Amber, Lime, UV, White, WW, CW NRGSille has helped to include updated version of the 3DS file importer. This, together with import parameters adjustment, results in better import of GDTF and MVR files with 3DS models.

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BlenderDMX 1.6.0 Released

1.6.0 Added support for PosiStageNet (PSN) protocol. PosiStageNet (PSN) is an open protocol to receive position information from different trackers connected to a PSN server. In BlenderDMX, multiple Trackers (PSN server connections) with multiple Tracking Targets (PSN slots) can be created and moving lights or any other objects can be linked to these as followers.

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BlenderDMX 1.5.1 Released

1.5.1 Fix python import on Win32 platform 1.5.0 Speed optimizations. Further improvements to GDTF models loading. New and improved default fixture files. What started as a bunch of small improvements and fixes resulted in a huge code re-organizing, together with speed optimizations and also with nice enhancements to GDTF models loading.

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BlenderDMX 1.4.4 Released

Fixture kinematic chain redesign, color mixer improvements Refactor GDTF assembling to use parent child relationship Do not fail when removing (perhaps a faulty) fixture Ensure a fixture with just a single color mixing can be operated Prevent color mixing drifting on refresh Translation updates for Italian, Spanish, Portuguese

BlenderDMX 1.4.3 Released

Fix crash on Intel macOS, Add Device label to 2D view Thanks to @Bartel-C8, we have now identified the source of crash on Intel macOS 🎉. Devices can now show Device name, or DMX address, or Fixture ID in the 2D layout view.

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BlenderDMX 1.4.2 Released

Workflow improvements based on feedback of dryHeat from Discord Many small and big workflow improvements have been implemented, from improved keyframe storing (indicate fixtures with modified state, save only fixtures with changed data, allow saving only selected fixtured), through indication of DMX patching collision, manual pushing of Programing Panel when render is paused for improved speed, new tool to reset Targets to different axis, deselection by choosing a group… possibility to export/import custom data, to prevent data loss during addon updates, and lots more, see changelog below for full details.

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BlenderDMX 1.4.1 Released

Initial support for Color Wheels Color Wheels (GDTF attributes Color1, Color2 and ColorMacro1) are now supported. If CMY/RGB color is used together with a ColorWheel, these colors will be added together.

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BlenderDMX 1.4.0 Released

Initial support for lasers This release adds support for laser projection. Laser fixtures can be defined via GDTF, beams can be rotated via pan and tilt, dimmed, colored and can also be adjusted by zoom.

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BlenderDMX 1.3.3 Released

Fix render when pan/tilt was locked to target When pan/tilt were locked to Target, other attributes like zoom or color were not visualized correctly, this is now fixed. Add support for indirect color mixing attributes - ColorRGB_Red/Green/Blue.

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