
Art-Net universes are enumerated from 0, so first Art-Net universe is 0

You must have at least one Universe set to Art-Net, to be able to enable it. When enabling Art-Net, ideally, do not change the IP address settings and leave it at the default .

Enabling Art-Net

Create Universe, set it to Art-Net, enable Art-Net Input:


Note: Art-Net Input can only be enabled if you have at least one Universe set to Art-Net

Using a console on the same computer

When using an Art-Net source on the same computer, you have to make sure to start and enable Art-Net first in the BlenderDMX Addon.

If running two pieces of Art-Net based software on one computer is not working for you, then save yourself the trouble and the best is to use another computer for the sending.

Checking who/what is using the Art-Net port

On Linux (and perhaps also on macOS) one can check what program (PID/name) is currently holding the port 6454 open, blocking it. This can be checked by running the following command in the terminal:

netstat -aop | grep 6454



Art-Net related settings in BlenderDMX Addon and in BlinderKitten DMX console:

Universe settings in BlenderDMX Addon:


Universe settings in BlinderKitten:


Fixture patch settings in BlinderKitten:


BlenderDMX Addon and QLCplus via Art-Net on the same computer

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